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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Common Sense

Discussions of John Armstrong’s Harvey & Lee theory often involve scientific and other evidence. But what if we just look at the theory by asking some “common sense” questions?

Who Was Involved in the Plot?

How many individuals would have to be involved for the H&L plot to be true? It turns out the answer is dozens when you count the principals and the subordinates who would necessarily be involved. Some of the names on this list will not bother conspiracy theorists. James Angleton and David Phillips are well known suspects and universal villains with the CIA-did-it crowd. But some of the names on this list should give just about anyone pause, including LHO’s family members and friends. I invite anyone to think about the names here and honestly ask yourself how this could all come together.

The Behavior of the “Fake” Marguerite

The outlandish behavior of the woman who is supposed to be a CIA operative is one of the best common sense arguments against the theory. Jim Hargrove believes the fake Marguerite was a “spycatcher” whose job was to attract US intelligence agents who were aware of “Oswald’s” role as a spy and would then contact her. Marguerite would then report these agents to headquarters for elimination. But if she was a CIA operative, she had to be one of the world’s great actors since just about everyone that met her following the assassination thought she was crazy.

Why Didn’t People Who Knew the “Real” Marguerite Speak Out?

A simple question that Armstrong supporters can’t answer is why didn’t the “real” Marguerite’s friends from the early days come forward to say that the woman they saw on TV and in the newspapers (the impostor) was not the woman they knew? One weak argument is they were afraid. But they could have come forward at any time such as the seventies when the HSCA put the spotlight back on the case. Or they could have contacted an investigative journalist, such as Gaeton Fonzi, who was very sympathetic to the conspiracy cause and would have gladly listened to their story. None ever came forward and the people that testified or gave statements to the Warren Commission either recognized Marguerite or didn’t mention any problem.

LHO’s Military ID

Armstrong presents some contradictory records in his book to bolster his claim that of two Oswalds. But all of the records he presents show the same military id number. Exactly how did two men use the same ID at the same time and no one notice?


Armstrong says that both Oswalds attended Beauregard at the same time. He also says that LHO friend Ed Voebel knew both Oswalds. Armstrong has never claimed that “Harvey” and “Lee” were identical twins. Exactly how did this work and why did nobody notice?


  1. People who knew the real Marguerite did speak out, if you had read the book you'd know this. There were two different people who said categorically that they wouldn't have thought it was her if they hadn't had been told, she had changed so much, and one that stated she was a different woman.
    - Military records, if you had read the book then you'd know that nobody who served with LHO prior to his return to America and sudden support of Cuba and everything commie were interviewed by the WC or HSCA . When interviewed later these individuals laughed at the thought of Lee speaking Russian. He was too busy getting drunk, partying and getting in to fights. Two also stated categorically that the man arrested in Dallas was not the man they served with.

  2. Beauregard - Different forms, different years and probably looked different due to hair and growth spurts. No big deal. Admittedly however I would like to see testimony from former pupils who remember one or both of them.
    In general your debunking is very weak, any body reading these posts should read the book and look at the hundreds of glaring issues with the records of LHO and come to their own conclusions.
    Just as an example to the uninitiated.... family ... after a 10 year hiatus there was a family reunion where John Pic was confused and clearly stated later that the LHO there wasn't his brother. In addition, Robert Oswald and Marina's children never once met, received cards or telephone calls. Given that their father was killed would the uncle not make some sort of effort or at least call once in a while ? If he wasn't their uncle then no, no he wouldn't.
    You can also listen to the 7 hour interview with Armstrong by downloading it from the blackopradio site.

  3. Objective Reality,

    I would be interested where you got the information that John Pic stated that the LHO at the Thanksgiving 1962 reunion was not his brother. All he ever said, to my knowledge, was that certain photos did not look like his brother, not that he believed those photos did not represent his brother,

    1. Again, I'll check my notes, he stated something along the lines that the Lee at the reunion was not the Lee he knew 10 years previously. You have to admit that the ten year gap gives a possibility that John Pic could be kept out of the ' project'.
      Actually , I'm starting to remember... he stated specifics too, like Lee called him a different name and had forgotten really basic facts of their lives. Do some googling.

    2. Start with John Pics testimony where he states quite clearly that the Lee he met age 23 was 'MUCH THINNER' than the boy he saw aged 13 in new york and also had a rounder face. Which if you look closely at the photographs also appears to be the case. By this I mean there are pictures of an LHO who was both thin and quite soft in the face, a quiet , studious looking guy. The guy in the pictures in Minsk and the guy in all the photogrpahs with Marina. My point is that the combination of a softer, rounder face and being "much thinner" do not tally. But they do tally with the images of Oswalds, one is simultaneously thinner in the face and bulkier just a year apart from images of a thinning , soft faced skinny guy.

  4. just read a bit of JP's WC testimony and he also states that Lee introduced him as his half brother , which he found strange. Also... their mother wasn't there. So it would be easy at this reunion for 'Harvey' to be in attendance. The only person there who knew 'Lee' was JP, who knew him 10 years ago aged 13, so would have no idea of his height and stated very clearly that his eyes were different, he was much thinner and had much rounder face. He also states the LHO avoided speaking to them and didn't speak to his wife at all.
    Initially the theory seems crazy but the more you analyse the instances that would disprove the theory you see that actually it could work. The reunion is the perfect example. No marguerite, only JP and wife who knew him 10 years previously, who said it wasn't the Lee they knew. Robert and marina who were in on it and the kids. Same as at the funeral. NO JP at the funeral, just Robert, Marguerite and Marina.
